Submit a New PBL Document

Become an author for the PBL Clearinghouse.

We hope you will contribute problems you develop to the Clearinghouse. This page will direct you to all the resources necessary for authors who want to contribute to the Clearinghouse. If you have any questions or would like to contact the editors, please use

Submission to the Clearinghouse can fall into two categories. 1) PBL Problems are the traditional submissions to the clearinghouse – they are problems that have been classroom tested and revised. 2) Problem Prototypes are ideas that have been developed, but not yet been classroom-tested.

PBL Problem Submission

After reviewing the formatting guidelines and steps for creating a good problem in the author guide, please download the Problem Handouts template and the Instructor Guide template.

Prototype Submission

As prototypes are more ideas, the template has fewer sections. You can learn about the guidelines for creating a prototype in the author guide. Please download and use the Prototype Instructor Guide.

Once you have developed your problem according to the template, submit the files using the Google form below. We will peer review your problem and provide feedback for developing and publishing your problem.

Please submit your problem to the PBL Clearinghouse using this Form.